How To Create A Glossy, Smooth & Wavy Up-do Hairstyle With Your Natural Hair

If your hair is in it’s virgin state or transitioning into naturalista ville, then you may well find this post extra useful.

Here are 5 steps to note in creating a smooth and wavy up-do hairstyle with  extra gloss and shine:

Step 1: Shampoo your hair thoroughly , wash and condition it to prepare it for it’s fresh, new appearance. Wash and pat dry with a towel. But not too dry. Leave it slightly damp. Massage a good amount of Shea Butter into your strands and comb right through till hair is completely free of knots.

Step 2:  If you have a short Afro and  not sure if it can form an up-do yet, test the length of your strands by stretching a lock of your hair to whatever length it can afford to reach.



Once you have determined that your hair is long enough then proceed.   Don’t be deceived by shrinkage, your hair may be longer than you perceive. Brush your hair up to the desired  side of your head you would wish your up-do or ponytail to rest.

Use a brush such as this to ensure a smooth, stretching effort.



Step 3:  Apply a form, hold hair wax or edge control mask all through hair, massaging upwards ensuring a smooth journey to the tip of your up-do.

There are different kinds of hair holding, curl form hair wax in the stores with tag labels such as Cantu, Ossat Naturals, Beautiful Textures etc. I use Ossat Naturals Form And Hold Wax but then you can always use whatever brand name you choose.

After applying the hair wax, apply a sizeable portion of Sportin’ Waves Gel Pomade in the same upward movement manner. Make sure they get to all parts of your up-do.

Step 4: The next product you would then apply, would be a curl formation gel. I use Ossat Naturals Curl Shaping Gelly but then then there are other Curl Activator Gels and Curling Custards to be found in  beauty shops around.

Rub up your Curling gel steadily to the tip of your pony tail.

Step 5: Knot up your up-do with a hair band. Shift the knot and comb downwards if you would prefer a pony tail instead. But if your hair is short and the emerging pony doesn’t have much of a tail, you may well decide to use an extension bun for the tip or a clip – on attachment.


You can also enjoy your sleek, wavy up-do just as it is.



However, if your hair is long , you may roll up the tip into a neat bun or turn your pony tail or part of your hair into a mass of high definition curls via twist outs.



See how you can create twist out curls here: Afro Hair Care Secrets: How To Achieve, Sleek, Chunky Twist Outs with High Curl Definition!


There are so many ways you can style your wavy up-do.




And the most beautiful thing about a wavy up-do is you can carry it for days with the simple re-application of the aforementioned products in that given order daily.


So which of the up-do styles would you like to try?



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5 Comments Add yours

  1. Summer says:

    looking at these pictures make me want to stop coloring and flat ironing my hair! so beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Africanista says:

      Yep they really are!
      Great to know you find them inspiring.


  2. Tiana Moore says:

    You have really inspired me to stop using all other chemicals on my hairs. My hairs are also thick and curly and couldn’t style them because of curls my hair look so bad. Then I start using raw shea butter and now my hairs are manageable. But not upto the level I want. Suggest me things which I can use for my hairs. I dont want to get embarrassed because of my hairs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Africanista says:

      Wow! This is really beautiful. I feel great to have inspired you. To get your hair even super manageable you need to moisturize it as regularly as three times daily. And use Raw Shea butter along with detangling hair lotions and oils E.g: Almond, Olive, Jojoba, Jasmine Oils etc. the mentioned hair Oils are great for softness and frizz control. Edge control/form & hold wax will help you shape your hair into whatever form and keep it just where you want it. And aid curl definition when used with lock and twist gel for twist outs. Sportin waves gel pomade and curl activator gels are also great for grooming waves and curls on your hair. There are lots of ideas. And just because you asked, I’m going to do a quick post with all the info that will come in handy for your natural hair journey success ! So once I’m done with the post, I’ll quickly link you up so you can see tips and how to use products for super manageable natural hair. Blessings and love!


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